Ta p e sp e e d is fa st e r t h a n t h e n o rm a l p la yb a ck
sp e e d .
Press or slide
Re co rd in g
Stop playback/ stop fast
forward or rewind*
n The TAPE SPEED switch is set between the 1.2 cm and 2.4
cm positions.
Pause playback
Fast forward
Slide CPAUSE in the direction of
Re co rd in g ca n n o t b e m a d e .
n Connection is made incorrectly.
n The batteries are weak. Replace both batteries with new
n The head is contaminated.
n Improper setting of the VOR switch (M-529V/ 539V only).
Set it to H or OFF.
the arrow. The BATT lamp goes off.
Slide 0CUE/ )REVIEW toward
0CUE during stop**
Operating Instructions
Manual de instrucciones (en el reverso)
Slide 0CUE/ )REVIEW toward
)REVIEW during stop.**
p 6
Re co rd in g is in t e rru p t e d .
Search forward during
playback (CUE)
Keep 0CUE/ )REVIEW pushed
down during playback and release it
at the point you want.**
n The VOR switch (M-529V/ 539V only) is set to H or L.
When you do not use VOR, set it to OFF.
Re co rd in g ca n n o t b e e ra se d co m p le t e ly.
n The head is contaminated.
Search backward during Keep 0CUE/ )REVIEW pushed
playback (REVIEW)
Sony Corporation 1997 Printed in China
up during playback and release it at
the point you want.**
* If you leave the unit after the tape has been wound or rewound,
the batteries will be consumed rapidly. Be sure to depress p6.
** The tape moves faster in the rewind/ REVIEW mode than in the
fast forward/ CUE mode.
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e USA
Ow n e r’s Re co rd
The model number is located at the bottom and the serial
number is located inside the battery compartment.
Record these numbers in the spaces provided below.
Refer to these numbers whenever you call upon your
Sony dealer regarding this product.
Ma in t e n a n ce
If the tape is completely rewound while searching backward during
playback (REVIEW), the 0CUE/ )REVIEW switch may not
return to the center position when you release the switch. In this
case, push back the switch to the center to start playback.
Model No.
Serial No.
At t h e e n d o f t h e t a p e
In the recording or playback mode, the tape stops at the
end of the tape and the locked buttons will be released
automatically (Automatic shut-off mechanism).
After fast forward or rewind, be sure to return 0CUE/
)REVIEW to the center.
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the
unit to rain or moisture.
(M-529V/ 539V only) Press the reset button of the
Press p6 and insert a standard microcassette with
the side to start recording facing the lid.
Select the desired tape speed.
2.4 cm for optimum sound (recommended for normal
use): A 30-minute recording can be made using both
sides of the MC-30 microcassette.
1.2 cm for longer recording time: A 60-minute
recording can be made using both sides of the MC-30
(M-529V/ 539V only) Set VOR to H, L or OFF.
If you set VOR to H or L, the unit automatically starts
recording the sound and pauses when there is no
sound (you can save tapes and batteries).
H: To record at meetings or in a quiet and/ or
spacious place.
L: To record for dictation or in a noisy place.
When the sound is not loud enough, set it to OFF, or
the unit may not start recording.
To cle a n t h e t a p e h e a d a n d p a t h
Press 9 and wipe the head 1, capstan 2 and the pinch
roller 3 with a cotton swab, moistened with alcohol
every 10 hours of use.
Re co rd in g /Pla yb a ck w it h t h e
Co n n e ct e d Eq u ip m e n t
Du b b in g o n t o a n o t h e r t a p e re co rd e r
Set this unit to the playback mode and another tape
recorder to the recording mode.
We lco m e !
Thank you for purchasing the Sony Microcassette-
Corder. Some features are:
• The BATT lamp indicates when to replace the batteries.
• The VOR (Voice Operated Recording) system (M-529V/
539V only) starts and stops recording automatically in
response to the sound.
• Edit function—You can start recording directly from the
playback mode by pressing the r button to correct a
previously recorded portion.
• Tape counter (M-529V/ 539V only)
• Automatic shut-off mechanism at the end of the tape (in
the recording/ playback mode only)
• Stop-pause-release function—The pause switch is
released automatically when the p6 button is
depressed so that you don’t miss a recording chance.
To cle a n t h e e xt e rio r
Use a soft cloth slightly moistened in water. Do not use
alcohol, benzine or thinner.
Sp e cifica t io n s
y (normal position type)
Recording system
Connecting cord RK-G64HG (not supplied)
2-track 1-channel monaural
Approx. 3.6 cm (17⁄16 in.) dia.
Tape speed
2.4 cm/ s (15⁄16 ips), 1.2 cm/ s (15⁄32 ips)
Frequency range
Press r.
300 – 4,000 Hz
Earphone jack (minijack) for 8 – 300 ohms earphone
Pow er output (at 10% harmonic distortion)
160 mW
Pre ca u t io n s
On p o w e r
Recording starts.
Recording level is fixed.
Ab o u t Th is Ma n u a l
• Operate the unit only on 3 V DC.
For AC operation, use the AC power adaptor
recommended for the unit. Do not use any other type.
For battery operation, use two R6 (size AA) batteries.
• The nameplate indicating operating voltage, etc., is
located on the bottom of the unit.
Battery life (recording)
See “Preparing Power Sources”.
Pow er requirements
• Two R6 (size AA) batteries: 3 V DC
• Sony AC-E30HG AC power adaptor (not supplied):
220/ 230 V AC, 50 Hz (European model)
120/ 220 V AC, 50/ 60 Hz (model for other countries) (for M-427/
427C/ 437/ 529V/ 539V only)
120 V AC, 60 Hz (M-427AD only)
Dimensions (w /h/d)
Press or slide
The instructions in this manual are for the M-417, M-427,
M-427AD, M-427C, M-437, M-529V and M-539V. Before
you start reading, check your model number. The M-
539V is the model used for illustration purposes. Any
differences in operation are clearly indicated in the text,
for example, “M-539V only”.
Stop recording
Start recording during
r during playback (the unit becomes
in the recording mode)
Review the portion
just recorded
Push up 0CUE/ )REVIEW
toward )REVIEW during
recording. Release the button at the
point to start playback.
On t h e u n it
• Use only the y(standard microcassettes)
with this unit. Non-standard cassette cannot be used
because the “L” dimension is different.
Approx. 66.7 x 120.8 x 25 mm incl. projecting parts and controls
Approx. 160 g incl. batteries
Supplied accessories
Pause recording
Take out a cassette
Select the 2.4 cm tape speed for recording, if you play back the
recorded tape with another unit. Otherwise, the sound quality may
be changed.
Slide CPAUSE in the direction of
the arrow. The BATT lamp goes off.
Pre p a rin g Po w e r So u rce s
Choose one of the following power sources.
Only standard
microcassette have a
small indentation of
side A.
Microcassette tape MC-30 (1) (M-427C/ 437 and M-529V (European
model) only)
Microcassette tapes MC-30 (3) (M-539V only)
Handstrap (1) (M-529V/ 539V only)
AC power adaptor (1) (M-427AD only)
Sony batteries LR6 (SG) (2) (M-539V (Canada and European model)
Dry Ba t t e rie s
Approx. 5 mm
Approx. 2.5 mm
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Notes on VOR (Voice Operated Recording) (M-529V/539V
• Do not leave the unit in a location near heat sources, or
in a place subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust or
mechanical shock.
Optional accessories
Microcassette MC-60, MC-30
Earphone ME-81, ME-L82
Connecting cord RK-G64HG (miniplug to miniplug with attenuator)
AC power adaptor AC-E30HG
• The VOR system depends on the environmental conditions. If you
cannot get the desired results, set VOR to OFF.
• When you use the system in a noisy place, the unit will stay in the
recording mode. If the sound is too soft, on the contrary, the unit
will not start recording. Set VOR to H (high) or L (low) depending
on the conditions.
• Should any solid object or liquid fall into the unit,
remove the batteries or disconnect the AC power
adaptor, and have the unit checked by qualified
personnel before operating it any further.
• Keep personal credit cards using magnetic coding or
spring-wound watches etc. away from the unit to
prevent possible damage from the magnet used for the
Make sure that nothing is connected to the DC IN 3V
Open the battery compartment lid.
Insert two R6 (size AA) batteries with correct polarity
and close the lid.
To m o n it o r t h e so u n d
Connect the earphone (not supplied) to the EAR jack. The
monitor volume cannot be adjusted by VOL.
Th is w a rra n t y is va lid o n ly in t h e Un it e d
St a t e s.
• When you do not use the unit for long, remove the
batteries to avoid damage caused by battery leakage
and subsequent corrosion.
• If the unit has not been used for long, set it in the
playback mode and warm it up for a few minutes
before inserting a tape.
If t h e b a t t e ry co m p a rt m e n t lid is a ccid e n t a lly
d e t a ch e d
Attach it as illustrated.
To p re ve n t a ca sse t t e fro m b e in g a ccid e n t a lly
re co rd e d o ve r
Break out and remove the cassette tabs. To reuse the
cassette for recording, cover the tab hole with adhesive
If you have any questions or problems concerning your
unit, please consult your nearest Sony dealer.
Wh e n t o re p la ce t h e b a t t e rie s
Replace the batteries with new ones when the BATT
(battery) lamp dims and the sound is distorted.
Tro u b le sh o o t in g
Should any problem persist after you have made these
checks, consult your nearest Sony dealer.
Pla yin g a Ta p e
Battery life (Approx. hours)
A ca sse t t e ca n n o t b e in se rt e d .
n The cassette is being inserted in the wrong way. (The
cassette should be inserted in the lid with the tape side
facing you.)
Insert a cassette with the side to start playing facing
the lid.
Sony R6P (SR)
Select the tape speed to the same speed as that used
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)
for recording.
n 9 has been already pressed.
Press 9.
Adjust the volume.
r ca n n o t b e p re sse d .
n There is no cassette in the cassette compartment.
n The cassette tab has been removed.
r o r 9 ca n n o t b e p re sse d .
n The tape has reached the end.
Ho u se Cu rre n t
to the w all outlet
n After the automatic shut-off, CPAUSE is slid in the
direction of the arrow.
Th e u n it d o e s n o t o p e ra t e .
n The batteries have been inserted with incorrect polarity
n The batteries are weak. Replace both batteries with new
n CPAUSE is slid in the direction of the arrow.
n The AC power adaptor or car battery cord is connected to
the unit only and you are going to use the unit on
No so u n d co m e s fro m t h e sp e a ke r.
n The earphone is plugged in.
n The volume is turned down completely.
Th e so u n d d ro p s o u t o r co m e s w it h e xce ssive
AC pow er adaptor (supplied w ith M-427AD
only) or AC-E30HG AC pow er adaptor (not
p 6
Connect the AC power adaptor to DC IN 3V and to a
wall outlet. Use the AC power adaptor (supplied with
M-427AD only) or the AC-E30HG AC power adaptor
(not supplied). Do not use any other AC power adaptor.
n o ise .
n The volume is turned down completely.
n The batteries are weak. Replace both batteries with new
Polarity of the plug
n The head is contaminated. See “Maintenance”.
Ta p e sp e e d is t o o fa st o r t o o slo w in t h e
p la yb a ck m o d e .
n Improper setting of the TAPE SPEED switch. Set it to the
same speed as that used for recording.
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